The world of Unlimited (and The World After) is bleak. He dies in this world of Day After many times over… until an alternative sets in. The world is beyond desperation, and one Shirogane Takeru witnesses all this. Even the humans that migrated are basically doomed, as they have no viable defence against the BETA, if they ever were to land on that planet. It’s clear that in this world, humanity is doomed. Not my video, but gets the message across The bombing of the Hives is then dubbed as “The Day.” It consisted of two things migrating selected humans to the closest suitable planet, and bombing the BETA Hives with the strongest weapon in mankind… with the results you read above. At the end of Unlimited, plan known as Alternative V was set in motion on Christmas day. Satellite communication, or electronic communication in general at long range, is impossible due to the G-Bombs used to decimate the BETA Hives in Eurasian continent.

Riots are common, and as are the casualties in said riots. Those who are in army are in luck, but they’re not fairing any better, as BETA still keeps attacking the last remnants of humanity. Lack of any kind of food or water, crime, extreme control over everything and the simple desperate fight for survival is common. People live in crowded cities in conditions no human should ever live. It continues from this point on, telling the tale of soldiers fighting against the BETA on Earth mostly scorn of war, vast salt seas fill the planet surface and most of Europe has been flooded. There is a side story to Muv-Luv known as Muv-Luv Unlimited The Day After.

That one star where I’m fighting for those two to return… To love, to let go, no matter how much I get hurt in the process. Either the one you love lives on another planet while you keep fighting, or both of you keep on fighting together to the bitter end. The first two parts, Extra and Unlimited, are quite light in mood and read, even if Unlimited’s ending is one of the most heart wrenching things. That’s the word that comes to my mind when describing Muv-Luv as a whole, more specifically Alternative. This can be attributed that I found hope in the story, even when it’s one of the most bleak, hopeless and… desperate story I’ve ever read. Well, physically I’ve been far more happier, smiling a lot more and generally I’ve felt more energetic. It’s been about a month since I read Muv-Luv, or so it at least feels. …but then there’s the world that is in constant war. In a world where no war against BETA there is joy… Ask yourself when was the last time I actually recommended you to read something with a straight face without joking and tell you that it’s that good? Just don’t give up in the lacrosse arc, I know its tedious…

Really, there’s no reason you to NOT read Muv-Luv. If you ever had the smallest intent to read Muv-Luv (which I strongly recommend) stop here. Let’s get into the spoiler heavy territory here. How was I changed, and why? I’ve been asking myself this for some time, and perhaps now I can answer these questions…but only with an answer that still leaves a lot open. Look at that one Finnish Macross fan for example told a friend of mine few weeks back. It’s not that rare to find a person who has had his life changed by a story.